Bankedge Academy, Kanpur, celebrated its 9th anniversary by felicitating students who excelled in their performance and secured placements with prominent private sector banks. The event witnessed the presence of esteemed Chief Guests, MLA Shri Anil Singh and MLA Shri Surendra Maithani from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Bankedge Academy, Kanpur, a leading educational institution, marked its anniversary by recognizing the exceptional achievements of its students in the banking and financial sector. The academy is renowned for its holistic skill development and training initiatives in banking, finance, and insurance.
The event centered around honoring the achievements of successful students who secured placements in top private-sector banks.
During the entire program, Shri Nitesh Sachdeva, Centre Incharge; Rabia Moin, Student Advisor; Priyanka Pathak, and Placement Manager Dayal Darshan Shrivastava were present from the Bankedge Kanpur Team, representing the academy’s commitment to nurturing talent and excellence.
Courtesy: Business News This Week
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