Genetic makeup is the uniqueness with which we are born in this world.
- This makeup provides us with the pattern of our living style
- This behaviour changes with the influence of surroundings and contacts with outside world
- These behaviours make a great impact on our life.
- The impact of our memories of early life has a great influence on our behavior.
- Our mind is the reactor of all our actions which stores the memories effectively
- Our actions reflect the memories in the form of a mechanism which results into actions.
- Memories in Yoga Darshan are the genesis of Karma which is otherwise termed as Sanskar.
- Karma is the action which embraces the whole living beings.
- Karma which is otherwise our actions whether Good or Bad decide our future either in this birth or next birth.
- Raja Yoga teaches us that Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, and Karma teaches us the way to live with a positive note and with good thoughts, notes, and deeds.
- This results in positive memories which in turn lead to good Karma.
- Every Individual has the right to decide his/her own destiny and memories through his/her actions in life.
- Our memories change the neural pathways in the brain and in turn change the mind.
- Deep thoughts have the ability to change our memories and thus lead to good Karma
- Yoga is nothing but the deep thought carried out for a longer period.
- This is termed as Sanyam in Patanjali Yoga or can be termed as conversion of existing memories into new one.
- Tremendous processing capacity of brain is required to think deeply about a subject for a long time which can otherwise be achieved only when the mind gets rid of existing memories.
How to remove unhappy memories?
Always think about happy events and this process over a period of time will definitely remove the unhappy memories from the mind.
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