State Bank of India (SBI) is bringing out a digital platform for restructuring all retail loans, which allows the borrowers to submit recast requests on the portal and check eligibility criteria basis present and expected incomes. The portal is likely to be in place by September 24 this year.
- It will also suggest the moratorium period for which the customer will be eligible, and that ranges from 6 months to 2 years.
- SBI has a customer base of 49 crores. The bank, however, will continue to take recast requests for its corporate and MSME portfolio from branches.
- The bank has 3 million housing loan customers. It is believed that if anyone wants to check eligibility, it will be a total system driven automated process which the Bank adds cannot be done manually.
- The system will check your current income and expected income in the next few months and basis that, it will suggest moratoriums of 12 months or two years for the customer.
- At the end of June, about a tenth of the lender’s total book was under moratorium, a steep decline from 21.8% in May.
- In the retail segment, nearly 9 million customers had availed the moratorium amounting to loans worth ₹6.5 lakh crore.
- Analysts tracking the banking sector have estimated a huge demand for restructuring, but Kumar does not concur with that assessment.
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