It is normally a human tendency to think that Knowledge and Skill are the two things that is required for a quality life. But often we forget that there is one more important thing that is an attitude of gratitude which forms a major part of our life.
No doubt it is essential that we possesses good knowledge and skill to lead a decent life but a human attitude can do wonders and bring in phenomenal changes in the quality of our own life and living.
- Gratitude is extemporaneous thankfulness to someone who has favoured us in one way or the other.
- It emanates from one’s heart voluntarily
- Though we are aware that we remain grateful to people for so many of their acts, many a times, why are we reluctant and remain ungrateful to people? This is of course due to the high egoistic tendency we possess.
- This results in our fault finding which an easy tool available to us is.
Case Study:
- The great Educationist and patron of the poor, Shri Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, said that he was abused by someone. He further adds that he was not of any benefit to him at any time. “ But, why should he speak ill of me? Only those whom I help, will speak ill of me” he says. Shri Vidyasagar never expected any favour from anybody nor any gratitude and voluntarily helped in abundance, many poor on approaching him, whoever it may be, without expecting anything in return.
- Jesus cured 10 lepers. But nine of them left the place after rejoicing without thanking Jesus. When only one waited to thank him, Jesus asked him as to why he was waiting. The man replied he was waiting to thank Jesus for his divine healing. Jesus in reply with utmost humility replied- “Gentleman do not thank me. Thank God, since His Healing Power has worked effectively through me”.
- Vow today to be grateful to all those who have given you something keeping away our fabricated ego and absurd sense of superiority complex.
- Pave way for building better human bonds on universal principles and value the Humanity at large with full respect.
Courtesy: Speaking Tree: Economic Times
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